
Grassland Agro deliver quality

2 Dec , 2016  

Grassland Agro sources, produces and sell the complete range of conventional commodity fertilizers as well as the most comphrensive range of speciality fertilizer and soil conditioning products. Irish Tractor & Agri caught up with Michael Dore to learn more.

Since its establishment just over three years ago, Grassland Agro has grown to become a leader in its field of specialising in speciality fertilisers, soil conditioners and mineral blocks as well as producing a range of innovative dairy hygiene products, which are sold across the 32 counties. We got an insight into the product range from dairy hygiene business manager Michael Dore.

The company was formed on February 1st, 2013 as a result of the coming together of Freshgrass Group’s Grassland Fertilizers business and Groupe Roullier’s Timac Agro Ireland business. It is now a 50/50 joint venture company of The Freshgrass Group and Groupe Roullier.

Grassland Agro operates three industrial fertiliser plants in Limerick, Cork and Slane, with the head office based in Ballymount, Dublin.

Grassland Agro has its own ten-strong specialist dairy hygiene team which is overseen by Michael Dore and works in conjunction with all the many agri merchants in representing and selling Groupe Roullier’s renowned Hypred dairy hygiene and animal bedding products.

“Our dairy hygiene specialists are all fully trained and they all come from dairy backgrounds,” Michael outlined. “Many of them are ex co-op employees themselves and they have vast experience not just of our products but of the industry in general.”

“We sell a full range of teat sprays, descalers, farm disinfectants and slurry enhancers.  All of these products (which are patented) conform to European standards. Actiglene is a revolutionary new slurry fertiliser enhancer that leads to a safer, cleaner shed.

“It maximises slurry efficiencies by increasing nutrient content, resulting in increased fertiliser value of slurry, easier agitation, improved slat comfort and significantly reduced slurry gases. The unique formulation of Actiglene is designed to increase available nitrogen in slurries and decrease emissions during storage and at agitation.

“It is just one of many new products we have coming from the Roullier Group”.

As well as a team of Dairy Hygiene Specialists, Grassland Agro employ’s an additional team of agronomy sales specialists on the road visiting farmers across Ireland every day to explain the merits of speciality products and evaluate which products would distinctly add value to each farmer’s business.

Grassland Agro has full access to the continuous Research & Development work of Groupe Roullier’s 350 dedicated professional engineers and researchers in addition to that of many university and independent agricultural research institutions with whom they collaborate across the world.

“We have a steady pipeline of innovative products coming from France all the time,” explained Michael.

“We are increasing our market share significantly each year and we invest in a structured marketing plan to run multiple campaigns. This year, we are running our biggest stand to date at the Ploughing. This will provide us with a good platform to get the word out there on products such as Actiglene.”

The quality of milk with respect to SCC, TBC and residues is top of the agenda for the industry.

It is critical to perceive milk as a food being consumed by others. Cows that become infected with mastitis represent a huge cost. Therefore, prevention is much preferable than cure. According to Teagasc, a dairy farmer milking 80 cows that reduces SCC by 100,000 can add up to €10,000 to the bottom line of his farm business.

An effective dairy hygiene programme should incorporate at least four individual stages: pre-milking hygiene; udder hygiene; milking plant and bulk tank hygiene; and cow care. Grassland Agro Dairy Hygiene supplies a full range of market-leading products within each of these areas.

Its team of Dairy hygiene sales specialists consult one-on-one with farmers. They can solve problems with TBCs and SCC and can offer a detailed hygiene routine backed with Ireland’s leading products, including Virolac, Quick Spray, Unisan Liquid, Unipred and Actisan.

“We provide a value-added service in products that assist farmers with the Bord Bia Milk Quality Assurance Scheme,” said Michael. “Our solutions make farmers more efficient and enable them to maximise their profits.”

In conjunction with the Quality Milk Program, Hypred produces an innovative and proven range of dairy products to meet all dairy hygiene needs.

Virolac concentrate pre and post teat spray contains a powerful antibacterial disinfectant LSA (Lactic Salicylic Acid) complex which is effective within 30 seconds on all mastitis-causing bacteria as well as viruses and yeasts.  Golden Mix post milking teat dip is a powerful disinfectant effective on the bacteria responsible for mastitis, but also on yeast and the orthopoxvirus.

Other dips, sprays and disinfectants supplied include D4 Iodine, Hypra’zur dairy cloth disinfection, Dermisan, Perfo Grif Cluster Dip, Unipred equipment cleaner, Uniscale descaler and a range of liquid washes and detergents.

Virolac is excellent for enhancing teat condition and SCC control. It is a new generation of hygiene teat care that provides bacterial, viral and fungal protection. Designed for the quick and strong disinfection of teats after milking, it comes in a flexible range and can be used before milking to reduce somatic cell count.

A fast and effective application that remains efficient for up to 30 hours after mixing, G-Mix Spray provides the power of Chlorine Dioxide in a pre and post milking spray. Chlorine Dioxide is highly effective against Staph. aureus, Strep. uberis, Strep. agalactiae, E.Coli.

As for the future of Grassland Agro’s dairy hygiene department, Michael concluded:

“Our objective is to continue to provide innovative and effective dairy hygiene solutions to Irish dairy farmers to ensure that their businesses remain profitable into the future, and to continue to be the leading provider of these solutions.”

Grassland Agro Group
Administrations Office
Ballymount House,
Parkway Business Centre,
Ballymount Cross,
Dublin 24
Tel: (01) 4264500
Fax: (01) 4609243
Email: info@grassland.ie

Taken from Irish Tractor & Agri magazine Vol 4 No 6, July/August 2016
