
Mass audience for Farm of the World-garden in London 

25 May , 2016  

From May the 24th millions of television viewers will have a preview of European Capital of Culture 2018.

That day the Chelsea Flower Show will commence in London, which is considered the most important exhibition for gardens and horticulture globally. The team, Farm of the World, project of Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018, is one of the participants and is sponsored by AkzoNobel.

In the category Fresh Gardens, Farm of the World displays a dye garden. The AkzoNobel Honeysuckle Blue(s) Garden is entirely dedicated to historic dye crops. These plants are in the spotlight due to their contribution to biodiversity and their capability to produce high quality dyes.

“The dye garden will not only show the beauty of plants, but also the richness of the colours they produce when they are transformed into dyes,” says visual artist Claudy Jongstra. Jongstra designed the garden in collaboration with garden designer Stefan Jaspers. She regularly uses dye crops such as woad, chamomile, nettle, valerian and calendula in her works. Specifically for the Chelsea Flower Show, she made a new piece that will be displayed in the Honeysuckle Blue(s) Garden.

With an average of 150,000 visits and daily (live) broadcasts by the BBC, the Chelsea Flower Show annually receives an extensive, diverse, audience. As in previous years the exhibition will be visited by representatives of the British Royal Family.

The Honeysuckle Blue(s) garden, a sample of what the public in 2018 – than in the Blokhuispoort in Leeuwarden – gets to see, is generously supported by AkzoNobel, on the initiative of the AkzoNobel Art Foundation. Additionally, the realisation of this garden has been made possible by the Dutch Embassy in London, Schellevis Beton and CED Natural Stone.

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